The team working to make structural repairs on steam catapults aboard USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) completed a major milestone. Photo by Lexi Whitehead

USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) Structural Catapult Team Completes Major Milestone

Published September 6, 2023

Over the last 14 months, fitters (X11) and welders (X18) at Newport News Shipbuilding have been hard at work completing structural repairs on the steam catapults aboard USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). The team worked diligently to return the catapult troughs over for final blast and paint, making the way for rebuild, and alignment phases of their overhaul.

“Replacing the structure in the catapults is a substantial task that requires hard work and attention to detail. It’s been an honor to work and serve alongside this team,” said Greg Mestre, construction supervisor for Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment (ALRE).

After its refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH) is complete, Stennis will be the most modern and technologically advanced Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in the fleet. The RCOH represents 35% of all maintenance and modernization in an aircraft carrier’s service life.