Accomplishing a battery load for submarine Arkansas (SSN 800) earned this team recognition from NNS leaders. Photo by Ashley Cowan

Shipbuilders Earn Praise for Critical Work on Arkansas (SSN 800)

Published June 12, 2024

A team of shipbuilders in the Virginia-Class Submarine Program has been recognized for accomplishing a critical evolution that brought the submarine Arkansas (SSN 800) another step closer to launch.

The team accomplished the battery load, a complex task that required extended shifts, and they completed it ahead of schedule. They achieved this success even though most of the team was performing this task for the first time.

“This team’s dedication, preparation and execution is something worth celebrating and recognizing,” said Vernon Eason, VCS trades director. “This is a great example of a team being on one accord, learning fast and working towards a common goal.”

Lindsey Wynn, construction supervisor, lauded the shipbuilders for their efficiency during the operation.

“Battery load is a critical evolution in the progression of the build of a submarine,” she said. “It is a round-the-clock evolution with many hazards. It requires clear communication, not just on the deckplate, but in the turnover from each shift. This team had the tenacity and engagement to learn and execute an impressive evolution.”