Shipbuilder Steering the Way

Published November 1, 2023

Anita D. Grubbs was recognized by the “On-the-Spot” Ethics Recognition Program for jumping into action to protect the safety of a fellow shipbuilder.

Earlier this year, a shipbuilder was practice welding in the overhead position when a piece of hot metal fell through a gap between the buttons on his welding jacket and caught the bottom edge of his T-shirt on fire.

When the shipbuilder realized his shirt was on fire, he panicked, pulled his jacket and gloves off and tried patting out the flames with his bare hands. Grubbs saw what was happening and rushed over, grabbed the discarded welding jacket and quickly wrapped it around his waist effectively putting out the flames.

Thanks to Grubbs’ quick action, the shipbuilder received only minor burns and was able to return to work the next day. Xavier Beale, vice president of Trades, met with Grubbs to thank her for her actions to present her award.