Model of Excellence Awards Ceremony attendees toast with sparkling cider at Friday night’s event. Photo by Ashley Cowan

NNS Celebrates 2023 Model of Excellence Honorees

Published September 20, 2023

Newport News Shipbuilding honored more than 350 recipients of the 2023 President’s Model of Excellence Award during a drive-in event Friday night.

The Model of Excellence is the company’s highest honor and recognizes individuals and teams who have made extraordinary contributions to the achievement of objectives outlined in the NNSFORWARD Strategy – Enable Our Workforce, Transform Business Operations, Execute Efficiently, Grow the Business Base and Lead the Way.

The outdoor event, held in the parking lot of the Hampton Roads Convention Center, allowed honorees to celebrate with more family members and friends than a formal dinner. During the event, attendees watched a video featuring shipbuilders who represented each of the award-winning nominations.

Delivering remarks during the ceremony, NNS President Jennifer Boykin congratulated honorees and emphasized the power this group has across the shipyard.

“You have tremendous influence on your fellow shipbuilders, and you inspire the people around you whether you recognize it or not. Remind your peers just how important our standards are and what it means to be a Newport News shipbuilder,” she said. “It is great people like you who will ensure our shipyard remains successful for the next century to best support our shipbuilding family, our community and our Navy.”

View the ceremony program to learn more about the individuals and teams that were honored. Watch the video that was shown during the ceremony on MyNNS.