Important Message from Security Regarding Recent Vehicle Break-Ins
Published February 28, 2023
Newport News Shipbuilding continues to experience a high volume of vandalism to vehicles parked in NNS lots between 42nd and 50th streets as well as at Hidens. Perpetrators are targeting vehicles with dark, tinted windows and those displaying hunting or weapon insignia – and are gaining access by breaking windows or through unlocked doors. The majority of cases have occurred in the early morning hours and often nothing is reported stolen (money, credit cards and other valuables are left behind).
Based on this information, NNS Security (O15) along with the Newport News Police Department (NNPD), believe the perpetrators are looking for weapons. In an effort to stop this criminal activity, NNS Security has increased its surveillance and roving patrols in the area and continues to work closely with the NNPD to process vehicles for evidence, latent prints and conduct follow-up investigations.
We are also asking shipbuilders to ensure all valuables are placed out of sight or removed from their vehicle and encouraging employees to remove all hunting or weapon insignia. A decal on a vehicle or a phone charger plugged into the console could be enough to trigger a break-in. As a reminder, items such as firearms and ammunition are prohibited on company property, including parking lots. Not only can possession of firearms on company property lead to disciplinary action, including termination, stolen firearms are often used in crimes and/or traded for other illegal purposes.
If you have information about these break-ins or see something suspicious, please call NNS’ Security Command Center at 757-380-4031.
John I. Clark
Director of Security