Events Planned to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Published September 18, 2024

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. Newport News Shipbuilding’s Hispanic Outreach Leadership Alliance (HOLA) employee resource group is planning several events that are open to all shipbuilders to commemorate the month.

HOLA Hispanic American Lecture Series

Sept. 19, 12 – 12:30 p.m.

This year’s focus will be a beginner-level Spanish class presented by Marcia Stewart (E82) that will aid participants in preparation for HOLA’a Speed Networking en Español events, as well as providing an increasingly essential skill. For more information, email [email protected]. Sign up on the HOLA website.

Speed Networking ¡En Español!

Sept. 24, 5-7 p.m.

This Spanish-only event helps in practicing Spanish-speaking skills, but no previous experience is required. Participants are provided with words to say, and are encouraged to use Google translate for other phrases. The only rule is that you have to speak Español only, and get uncomfortable while at the same time meeting other shipbuilders who are looking to improve their Spanish-speaking skills. This event will take place in La Parrilla restaurant (11831 Jefferson Avenue in Newport News). HOLA is also in need of fluent or native speakers to keep the event moving and help beginners. This event can help open doors, perhaps reinvigorate a past passion for learning another language, or help employees get closer to Spanish-speaking shipbuilders and friends. This event is open to shipbuilders and their families, and no charge is provided. For more information, email [email protected]. Sign up on the HOLA website.


Oct. 16, 2-6 p.m.

Join HOLA at The Rock to close out Hispanic Heritage Month. There will be music, food, and Latin American countries represented with their own cultural items for you to learn about and celebrate. This event is open to all employees, and no charge is required to attend the event. For more information, email [email protected]. Sign up on the HOLA website.